You can now view all your notes in one place, even if don't have the link! You can sort notes by name, last updated, or created date. You can also search for notes by title (based on the first line of the note).
You can now manage links within your notes. Links are clickable and will open in a new tab. Simply highlight the text you want to link, click the link icon in the toolbar, and paste the URL.
This tooltip will now only show once, rather than popping up every time you visit a note. You can still access by hovering over the edit key.
We have changed the "Publish" button to "Save" to better reflect what it does. You can still share notes with the same link.
Fixed some minor translation issues in the editor and on the homepage.
Fixed an issue where the print action would not trigger printing.
We have added support for multiple languages! You can now use Hyper Notepad in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Hindi. Just select your preferred language using the selector in the header. Let us know if you would like to see more languages added.
Links in notes are now clickable. This makes it easier to navigate to external websites or other notes. Improvements are planned for this feature in the future.
We have improved the formatting of notes, giving you more control over spacing between elements. The line-height has been reduced slightly, allowing more content to be viewed at once.
You can now start a new note directly from the homepage. No need to click to create a note anymore.
We have updated the UI top-to-bottom for both desktop and mobile to create the best online notepad experience possible.
You can now report a note if you think it violates our terms of service. We take this very seriously and will review all reports swifty.
You can now share notes with a QR code. This is great for sharing notes with people in person or to load on your phone.
This very page was added with this release! Here you can see all the changes and updates we make to Hyper Notepad. Want to see something here? Let us know!
You can now support Hyper Notepad by buying a coffee. You the button in the header to get started. Your support helps keep the lights on and the servers running. Thank you in advance!
There is now a single URL for editing and sharing. The link is shorter and much easier to share. Editing a note now uses an Edit Key instead of a seperate URL. No more accidental sharing of the edit link!
We have updated the foundations of Hyper Notepad to prepare for future additions. This will help us build new features faster!
We are now using GitHub's dark theme for code highlighting.
You can now protect your notes with a password.
Celebrate sharing notes with confetti.
The editor UI has been refined for a better writing experience.
Fixed some rare cases of notes loading slower than expected.
Your notes are now stored in the cloud.
Your notes are encrypted at rest.
Choose between light and dark mode for the editor and the website
Syntax highlighting for code blocks.
Write notes in Markdown.
Use keyboard shortcuts to format notes.